Happy to add this to my collection, I have many quality torches, some absurdly bright but only ever bought crappy alkaline battery eating supermarket headtorchs for spur of the moment night fishing trips that end up needing the lazy alfoil battery connecter fix a few months later because they got a whiff of the salty night air.
The potentiometer control in my opinion is the best interface and very useful feature with smooth feel and transition, the very slight delay and silky linear ramp up to set position is a nice premium touch, rather then having to cycle though photosensitive epileptic fit inducing modes every time as what I’m used to, then going passed the mode I wanted, repeat… I want this much light now and this thing just does it !
Decent build quality and output, I paid the special price though believe full price is justified, would buy again but I’m thinking that might be a while because I foresee this lasting many years and adventures !
Please tell R&D I think they nailed it with this one !