Comments on: 200W Portable Solar Blanket with 15A Smart Solar Regulator Camping, 4x4 and Outdoor Gear Thu, 07 Mar 2024 05:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeremy Fri, 26 Jan 2024 03:45:49 +0000 After watching countless solar blanket reviews on youtube, solar blankets can be a bit hit and miss, questionable quality and never delivering their advertised output. Well this 200w blanket is the real deal, layed on the back of my ute tub lid it was putting out 195w/10.8Amps in the 10am sun. Once the blanket was heat saturated the output dropped to about 10amps. On a bright overcast day I’m seeing 6amps/120w. Super happy with it’s performance, It’s middle of the road when it comes to cost, but it’s quality is miles better than cheap rubbish and it’s output rivals blankets at double the cost. Sets up in about 30 seconds. Little tip – if the blankets laying flat, grab a pair of steelcaps or shoes you’re not wearing when you’re walking around camp in thongs to prop half the blanket at 45degrees to catch the sun and the output jumps up a considerable amount.
